Friday, April 22, 2016

Obituary - Samuel Gordon - 10/1/1875


The sympathies and regrets of the district have been excited within the last few days in perhaps a somewhat unusual degree by the death of Samuel Gordon, third son of Mr. William Gordon of Saddleback. The deceased was a young man of 30 years of age, of steady and irreproachable character, and distinguished in the pursuits specially cultivated by young men in British communities. He was an efficient member of the Kiama Volunteer Corps, and an honorary member of that of Jamberoo. He was one of the prime marksmen of the district, and not less favourably known in the cricket field. He was, moreover, a native of the district of Kiama, where his estimation in short was all that could be desired for a young man of his age and circumstances. The illness which terminated in his death on Sunday afternoon last was, we believe, of a somewhat complicated character, the symptoms of rheumatic fever being the most prominent, and traceable, it is said, to his having on Christmas Day, while driving towards Wollongong, been occidentally upset in a creek on the road, and continued his journey in wet clothes. The death, when it actually occurred, was nevertheless unexpected, at least till within a very short time; for, only a day or two previously, we understand, his friends believed him to be rapidly recovering. The funeral took place on Tuesday last, when Mr. Gordon's remains were followed to the grave in the Presbyterian burial ground, Jamberoo, by an unusually large number of friends, neighbours and residents of the district in general, many of whom would doubtless recollect that a few years since an elder brother of the deceased died from the same or similar causes. A detachment of the Kiama volunteers, between thirty and forth in number, we believe, was also present; and fired the usual number of vollies over the grave.


We have been requested to draw attention to the advertisement calling a meeting of the Kiama United Club for tomorrow (Friday) evening. It is called principally, we believe, in order to consider how the club shall show some appropriate mark of respect to the late Mr. S. Gordon.

Kiama Independent and Shoalhaven Advertiser. Thursday 14 January, 1875

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